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Scholars & Honors

Superintendent's Scholars Program
The Superintendent's Scholars Program is designed to challenge high school students to make the most of their educational opportunities by striving to excel academically, and then celebrating and honoring the select few who accomplish their goals.
There are two components to the program, i.e., the Superintendent‘s Scholar Pin and the Superintendent‘s Scholar Awards Banquet. Each year, the Superintendent awards a Superintendent‘s Scholar Pin to those students who attained a 4.0 or higher cumulative GPA the previous year. Sophomores receive a pin for achieving a 4.0 or higher their 9th grade year; juniors receive a pin for achieving a 4.0 or higher their 10th grade year; and seniors receive a pin for achieving a 4.0 or higher their 11th grade year. Superintendent‘s Scholar Pins are usually presented at the annual academic letter award ceremony which is held in the fall. Seniors receive Superintendent‘s Scholars Pins at the Spring All School Awards Night. Near the end of the school year, the Superintendent also hosts a Superintendent‘s Scholar Awards Banquet for those seniors who have maintained a 4.0 or higher GPA for all four years of the high school career. Each award recipient receives a plaque and a certificate. Students who are working toward Certificate of Attendance and home-schooled students are ineligible for this recognition, as are students who are enrolled less than full time (less than 3.0 credits per semester).

Academic Letter Program
Each year MCVSD #51 high schools celebrate their students‘ academic excellence by awarding an academic letter to qualified students. Academic letters and other symbols of recognition will be presented in the fall for grades earned the previous school year. The Academic Letter award is based on the following criteria:

Full-time student at their home high school, including District #51 satellite programs. Students must be enrolled in 3.0 credits each semester. Minimum grade point average of 3.50 for the entire year. We also continue our tradition of recognizing students who earn a 3.75 or higher GPA.

Points of Understanding:
1. The Academic Letter with year pin is presented to those students who earn a 3.50 to 3.74 GPA the first year. Students who earn a 3.75 or higher also receive a star to recognize the higher GPA. Bars and year pins are used to recognize students who earn a 2nd, 3rd and 4th academic letter.
2. The GPA for awarding of the academic letter is based upon all courses taken the previous year, regardless of the school attended, including out-of-district transfers.
3. When determining the student‘s GPA, we will count MCVSD#51 courses taken between August and July of the academic year. District #51 summer school courses and District #51 on-line courses taken during the summer will be applied to the previous academic year. District #51 on-line courses taken during the year apply to that year.
4. Colorado Mesa University concurrent classes taken may be considered to meet the above criteria.

Honor Societies

Qualifying GJHS students may be admitted into the approved and affiliated national honor societies. The honor societies have similar criteria that are designed to recognize those Tigers who excel academically, display impeccable character, render community service, and promote leadership. At GJHS, we have four honor societies: the National Honor Society, the National Art Honor Society, the Tri-M Music Honor Society, and the National Technical Honor Society.

National Honor Society
The Mission/Definition of our organization: The National Honor Society (NHS) is comprised of grade 11 and 12 students who have demonstrated excellences in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.

Students will engage in the following ways: Members meet to identify a wide variety of community needs and then volunteer to meet those needs and have a positive impact on the lives of others.

Additional Information: Students in grades 10 and 11 are invited to fill out candidate packets in February upon achievement of a benchmark GPA of 3.5. The Faculty Council reviews candidate packets to determine if students have met the standards for the 4 tenets (stated above). Those inducted into our chapter (usually in early April) commit to volunteering approximately 30 hours annually, attending chapter meetings, and maintaining their established trend of excellence in each of the 4 tenets.

Sponsor Contact: Mariah McCune

National Art Honor Society
The National Art Honor Society (NAHS) was established in 1978 ―for high school students in grades 10-12 for the purpose of inspiring and recognizing those students who have shown an outstanding ability in art. The NAHS strives to assist members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in art and to raise awareness of art education throughout the school and community. In February 2009, we established Chapter #3042 at GJHS. The selection process for the HANS is similar to that of the NHS.

For additional information, see the National Art Honor Society Advisor.

Tri-M Music Honor Society
The Tri-M Music Honor Society, has been established to provide an appropriate method for recognizing the music achievements of our students; strengthen our school‘s music program; help society members reach their full musical potential; motivate and recognize our society‘s members‘ musical and personal achievements, credits, and grades; encourage society members to work together toward the same goal; present inspiration and challenge to our society members; and focus public attention on our school‘s music program through community service.

The Tri-M Music Honor Society recognizes those Tigers who are enrolled in a school-sponsored music ensemble and/or class for at least one semester; have achieved and maintained at least an A average in music, for the previous semester, and at least a B average or the equivalent in other academic subjects; and have demonstrated leadership, service, and character in their activities.

Please see the TRI-M Music Honor Society Advisor for more information on this prestigious society.

National Technical Honor Society
The National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is the acknowledged leader in the recognition for outstanding student achievement in career and technical education. NTHS encourages higher scholastic achievement, cultivates a desire for personal excellence, and helps top students find success in today‘s highly competitive workplace.

The National Technical Honor Society recognizes those Tigers who have completed one program of study in either Business or Family and Consumer Science, have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher for all of their courses, and have a cumulative average of 3.5 or higher for technical courses from the department through which they are applying for membership. Tigers must also be a member of either the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) in the Business Department or Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) in the Family and Consumer Science Department. Lastly, students must acquire two letters of recommendation, at least one or which is from a faculty member outside of the technical program.

For additional information, see the National Technical Honor Society Advisor.